
Event Manager

Star Sign: I’m a typical Leo! Virgo rising (I love writing lists)

How long have you been working in the industry?

After returning from Australia back in 2018, I ventured into the events industry; I had known for a while that I wanted to build a career in the industry and started my dream job in 2019.

What is your favourite part of your job?

My passion lies in creating fun memories for others. I love being part of your big day, whether it’s your wedding day or special occasion; you deserve to have a day you’ll remember and cherish forever.

What is the most challenging part of your job?

I love a to do list and sticking to schedule, but I’ve learned over the years that not everything always goes to plan – life’s full of surprises and sometimes I need to just go with the flow!

Favourite way to spend downtime?

I’m a huge people person, so in my spare time I spend as much time with friends and family, as I love to create my own special memories as well as helping you create yours. Not to mention also being an animal lover, so if I’m not out with friends, you’ll find me out and about with Bella, my beloved dog. Travelling is also a big one for me, I love going on adventures, trying new food and exploring new places.

Favourite place you have travelled to?

My favourite city is Amsterdam, I’ve been 3 times – the people are so friendly and there are SO many fun things to do – I want to go there in April next time to see the tulips!

Best party or event destination?

It’s got to be London, the different music scenes mean there’s always something new or different to do.